Dakota Brannan jumping 4.55m in a pre-season meet at Utah State.
Age: 20
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Weight: 142 pounds
GPA: 3.72 in college
Personal Record: 15’1”
Dakota Brannan took a gap year before attending Utah State University to pursue a degree in veterinary science. He made the dean’s list and has a 3.72 average GPA.
In 2024, Dakota committed to Linfield University’s track team in McMinnville, Oregon. Dakota will continue pursuing a veterinary science degree and looks forward to competing as a wildcat. Dakota still has four years of NCAA eligibility.
We think you will find Dakota a kind-hearted, fun, and responsible young man who is fiercely competitive. He has set high goals and will work extra hard to complete them.
Dakota’s personal records as of Dec 2023
2-stride: 12’9 (Nov 2022) on a 12’7 175 (equal to 16’ from 8)
3-stride: 13’1 (Dec 2022) on a 13’7 170 (equal to 15’ from 8)
6-stride: 14’9 ( Jan 2023 ) on a 14’7 160 - Reno (4.50m)
7-stride: 15’1 (June 2023) on 15’1 160 - Practice PR (4.60m)
8-stride: 15’0 (Dec 2023) on a 15’1 170 - Meet PR (4.55m)
The biggest pole used: 15’1 175, weighing 148 lbs.